Crypt of Saint Sava Church – Belgrade
Sane Mind Serbia

Crypt of Saint Sava Church – Belgrade

I’ve been in Belgrade for just over two months now. In one of my previous posts, I wrote about many restoration projects that the city authorities were doing to improve the way the city looks. But the biggest and most ambitious building project was the Saint Sava Church. They’ve now completed the works and you can finally also see the church, in addition to the crypt.

So, if and when you go to Belgrade, make sure that you visit this monumental religious temple of the Christian Orthodox world.


Crkva Svetog Save
Saint Sava Church





The crypt is very impressive. It consists of a burial church, treasures of the Serbian Orthodox Church and an exhibition area. In the future, it will also be a burial place for Serbian patriarchs.

It was constructed in the Byzantine style, as an independent underground area with four entrances.

The crypt is wonderfully decorated. Images of apostles, martyrs and saints cover the ceiling and the space in-between is covered by gold leaves. Additionally, walls are covered with Serbian religious images and the entire area is dominated by gold colour patterns. The crypt is also richly decorated with relief art.


Kripta Crkve Svetog Save
Crypt of Saint Sava Church


One part of the crypt is a church, dedicated to the Holy Prince Lazar. The altar of this burial church is directly below the altar of the Saint Sava church. The bronze doors on the left and the right of the alter lead to the burial chambers.

In addition to religious ceremonies, they will use the crypt for various cultural events, such as exhibitions, gatherings and concerts. It has spectacular acoustic features.


Crkva Svetog Lazara
Saint Lazar Church – The Altar





To present the crypt, I took photos of wall and ceiling frescoes. The image below is on the wall directly opposite of the altar of the Saint Lazar Church. It’s also the biggest wall fresco.


Kripta Crkve Svetog Save
God Requested Union of Saint Sava and Saint Despot Lazar


Images depict people and events related to the Serbian history and also to the Orthodox religion. I’m not familiar with all images, although I’d like to learn the exact story behind every one of them.


Sveti Teodosije
Saint Theodosius


Sveti Makarije od Egipta
Saint Macarius of Egypt


Sveta Petka
Saint Petka


In this post, you can see the wall frescoes anti clockwise, as you enter the crypt. I couldn’t take photos of frescoes within the area closed to the public.


Sveti Car Justinijan
Saint Emperor Justinian


Sveti Nikolaj Romanov
Saint Nikolai Romanov


Prenosenje mostiju Svetog Despota Lazara
Carrying of Remains of Saint Despot Lazar


But, that’s OK. We don’t need to take photos of absolutely everything. Images in this post will give you a very good idea of the crypt.


Pogubljenje Svetog Lazara
Beheading of Saint Lazar


Izgradnja Manastira Ravanice
Building of Monastery Ravanica


They made sure to carefully select images as crypt decoration, thus each image sends a powerful message.


Pomirenje srpske crkve i Carigradske crkve
Reconciliation of the Serbian Church and the Church of Constantinople


Sveti Konstantin
Saint Constantine


The wall frescoes were all painted directly on the walls, in the same technique as traditional fresco painting.


Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint Mary of Egypt



Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint Athanasius



Saint Sava Church
Crypt of Saint Sava Church


Certainly, these images resemble Serbian medieval frescoes that you can see in Serbian centuries old monasteries.


Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint Sava



Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint Theodore Stratelates



Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint George


What’s particularly interesting is that some frescoes contain images of people dressed in Serbian traditional attire. This also gives us an idea of the way people used to dress in those times.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Saint Demetrius



Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Saint Theodor Tiron



Crypt of Saint Sava Church
Saint Maxim





Unlike the wall frescoes, the ceiling frescoes were first painted on canvas and then attached to the ceiling. But, you can’t notice this variation in the technique.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Plucking Grain


Clearly, the ceiling frescoes are various images from the Bible.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Faithful and Unfaithful Servants


Perhaps, there isn’t much artistic value in these frescoes at the moment, although their decorative value is superb.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Whoever Drinks the Water I Give Them Will Never Thirst


It is certainly not realistic to expect that, in this day and age, frescoes are done the same way they used to be done 500 years ago when Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
In the Bosom of the Father


But maybe in 500 years from now people will visit this crypt and will look at these images in the same way we now look at medieval and Renaissance paintings and frescoes, while we admire their artistic value.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Great Feast


In any case, the crypt is very beautiful and, at the same time, it’s a very special place, especially for the faithful of the Orthodox religion.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Pharisee and the Publican


If you go to Belgrade, make sure that you visit the Saint Sava church. You can now see both the church and its magnificent crypt.


Crypt Saint Sava Church Belgrade
Wise and Foolish Virgins


The Russian Academy of Science decorated the church inside, together with the master iconographer Miloje Milinkovic. They created what’s now the biggest mosaic in the world.



Back to Serbia


  1. Déji Saka

    Thank you for the incredible detail on wall and ceiling frescoes. After visiting the Crypt, I wanted more information on each but found it very challenging to find. If possible, would love more information on the remaining ceiling frescoes or if I can provide guidance on where to look.

    June 2, 2022 Reply
    • Vitko Ignjatovic

      With regard to ceiling frescoes, each of them has the writing in Serbian, in Cyrillic alphabet, telling you what the fresco represents. That’s how I knew, although it took me a while to find correct English translations. I didn’t put photos of all frescoes in the post, as it would’ve been too long. Otherwise, the crypt is splendid, in my opinion.

      June 3, 2022 Reply


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