
Byzantine Churches in Istanbul
Sane MindTurkey

Byzantine Churches in Istanbul

It's hardly possible to talk about Byzantine churches in Istanbul. After the conquest of Constantinople 571 years ago, Ottomans converted almost all Christian Orthodox religious temples into ...
Istanbul – Imperial City
Sane MindTurkey

Istanbul – Imperial City

I went to Istanbul after nearly 5 years. It was the most obvious destination that I could choose after a hiatus in my travel. I spent 5 weeks in Turkey in 2019, Istanbul was my first stop at ...
How to Travel by Bus in Turkey?
Healthy LifeTurkey

How to Travel by Bus in Turkey?

In this post, I want to reflect on my travel around Turkey last year. I was there for 5 weeks and I visited 8 different cities - Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir, Kusadasi, Aydin, Antalya, Konya and ...
Is Turkish Food Healthy?
Healthy LifeTurkey

Is Turkish Food Healthy?

Is Turkish food healthy? Perhaps, the right question to ask should be whether the food that I had in Turkey was healthy and whether I made healthy choices. Truthfully, the same as everywhere ...
Museum of Anatolian Civilisations – Ankara
Sane MindTurkey

Museum of Anatolian Civilisations – Ankara

While Ankara is not as rich in history and historical monuments like Istanbul, there are several sites that you can visit there. Undoubtedly, one of them is the monumental Ataturk Mausoleum, ...
Atatürk Museum – Ankara
Sane MindTurkey

Atatürk Museum – Ankara

Anitkabir or the Ataturk Mausoleum, dedicated to the Father of the Nation - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - is probably the most important place in Ankara. Within the mausoleum complex, apart from ...


Of all places that I visited in Turkey, I could've perhaps skipped Ankara. Although within the context of my travel, it made sense to stop there. I was in Konya and I wanted to go back to ...
Ottoman Konya
Sane MindTurkey

Ottoman Konya

In my previous posts, I wrote about the Seljuk heritage in Konya and also about the fascinating Mevlana Museum. But, there is also Ottoman Konya to consider, in addition to its history ...
Mevlana Museum – Konya
Sane MindTurkey

Mevlana Museum – Konya

There exist special places in the world, but it could be that we don't know anything about them. In my case, Mevlana Museum was one of them. When I included Konya in my travel itinerary, I ...
Seljuk Konya
Sane MindTurkey

Seljuk Konya

Earlier this year, when I was making plans for my travel in Turkey, I included Konya because I knew that it was an important Ottoman city. But, I certainly didn't know that there would be ...
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