Sane Mind

Byzantine Churches in Istanbul
Sane MindTurkey

Byzantine Churches in Istanbul

It's hardly possible to talk about Byzantine churches in Istanbul. After the conquest of Constantinople 571 years ago, Ottomans converted almost all Christian Orthodox religious temples into ...
Istanbul – Imperial City
Sane MindTurkey

Istanbul – Imperial City

I went to Istanbul after nearly 5 years. It was the most obvious destination that I could choose after a hiatus in my travel. I spent 5 weeks in Turkey in 2019, Istanbul was my first stop at ...
Saint Sava Church – Belgrade
Sane MindSerbia

Saint Sava Church – Belgrade

I wrote about the crypt of the Saint Sava church for the first time in 2018. The crypt was the only finished part of the church and was open for visits. I updated that post in 2020, while I ...
Is This Belgrade?
Sane MindSerbia

Is This Belgrade?

When I saw a building in the main photo of this post, I asked myself: "Is this Belgrade"? Well, it is. Undoubtedly, it's one of the most recognisable buildings in the city centre that ...
Is Belgrade Waterfront a Missed Opportunity?
Sane MindSerbia

Is Belgrade Waterfront a Missed Opportunity?

Is Belgrade Waterfront a missed opportunity? I'm not entirely sure yet, perhaps it's still far too early to ask this question. Although, you can already get a very good idea of how ...
Belgrade in Spring Time
Sane MindSerbia

Belgrade in Spring Time

I was in Belgrade in the last week of April. It was my first visit after 6 months that I spent there back in 2020, during the corona time. I remember returning to London in January 2021. ...
2023 – A Year in Review
Sane Mind

2023 – A Year in Review

2023 came to an end, which means that it's time to see what happened with My Forever Travel. Well, there were 27% more views and 26% more visitors than in 2022. But keep in mind that I ...
2022 – A Year in Review
Sane Mind

2022 – A Year in Review

I don't know what other people think, but the year 2022 passed very fast for me. With regard to My Forever Travel, although it was the first year when I didn't publish any new posts, the web ...
2021 – A Year in Review
Sane Mind

2021 – A Year in Review

Time flies. It's already 2022 and I ask myself where the year 2021 has gone? Perhaps, I feel this way because it was a strange year, completely overshadowed with what has now become a never ...
Walk Through Victoria and Albert Museum – London
Sane MindUnited Kingdom

Walk Through Victoria and Albert Museum – London

I've already published three posts about this museum. But Buddhism, Constable's and Turner's paintings and Victorian art gallery are only small snippets of what you can see there. Of course, ...
My Forever Travel

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