Healthy Life

Do You Check Your Homocysteine?
Healthy Life

Do You Check Your Homocysteine?

Do you check your homocysteine level? Do you know what homocysteine is? Well, I don't think so. Personally, I've never heard of it until very recently. I bought and read a book "The Optimum ...
Supplements for Healthy Life
Healthy Life

Supplements for Healthy Life

One of my main objectives is to be healthy. But, that's also the main objective of most other people. No one really wants to be ill, although sometimes we don't have a say in the matter. ...
What is Happening with My Coronavirus Immunity?
Healthy Life

What is Happening with My Coronavirus Immunity?

Ever since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, I've been asking myself whether there will be a long lasting coronavirus immunity. We are all living in a nightmare at the moment and we all ...
Is Healthy Nutrition Possible When We Travel?
Healthy Life

Is Healthy Nutrition Possible When We Travel?

In my post "Food for Healthy Life and Strong Immune System", I wrote about my dietary habits - what I eat and what I avoid, in order to keep in good health. I easily adhere to my diet when ...
Is Serbian Food Healthy?
Healthy LifeSerbia

Is Serbian Food Healthy?

Is Serbian food healthy? I will try to answer this question, although it will be my personal view, based on my recent experience. I was in Serbia, in Belgrade, for six months last year. That ...
Eating for Healthy Life
Healthy Life

Eating for Healthy Life

I've recently written about the coronavirus infection that I suffered in March of this year. Then, I wrote about why I think that I have a strong immune system. I successfully fought off the ...
How Do I Keep Strong Immune System?
Healthy Life

How Do I Keep Strong Immune System?

In my previous post, I wrote about my experience with the coronavirus infection that I suffered back in March. I was ill for two weeks. But thanks to my strong immune system, I had ...
How I Survived Coronavirus Infection
Healthy Life

How I Survived Coronavirus Infection

I don't really know how I got infected. I don't think that anyone can know that. It could've been in a gym or in a supermarket, basically anywhere where there were many other people around ...
How to Travel by Bus in Turkey?
Healthy LifeTurkey

How to Travel by Bus in Turkey?

In this post, I'd like to reflect on my travel around Turkey. I was there for 5 weeks and visited 8 different cities - Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir, Kusadasi, Aydin, Antalya, Konya and Ankara. I ...
Is Turkish Food Healthy?
Healthy LifeTurkey

Is Turkish Food Healthy?

Is Turkish food healthy? Perhaps, the right question to ask should be whether the food that I had in Turkey was healthy and whether I made healthy choices. Truthfully, the same as everywhere ...
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