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Karadjordjeva Street

Is This Belgrade?
Sane MindSerbia

Is This Belgrade?

When I saw a building in the main photo of this post, I asked myself: "Is this Belgrade"? Well, it is. Undoubtedly, it's one of the most recognisable buildings in the city centre that everyone living in Belgrade knows. But it looks completely different right now, which you will see later. However, after approximately 90 years this iconic edifice will return to its original glory. But let me explain first ...
What is Happening in Belgrade?
Sane MindSerbia

What is Happening in Belgrade?

I've been in Belgrade for just over two weeks now. This is the first time in 30 years that I'm staying here for a longer time. In the past, I would stay for a week or two, but never longer than that. I had a job to go back to and had to shape visits around my holidays. I love that I can spend more time here and that I can reconnect with the city. After all, I'm from Belgrade. It's my city, despite the fact ...
Work in Progress
Sane MindSerbia

Work in Progress

I'm in Belgrade at the moment. In my previous post, I wrote about my travel plans and I mentioned that I was going to spend two weeks in the Serbian capital city. I've already written about Belgrade and I've also said that I'd only write about many changes that are currently happening there. The city authorities have undertaken an immense task to restore and improve the city, especially after many decades ...
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