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Ottoman Imperial Opulence – Topkapi Palace Istanbul
Sane MindTurkey

Ottoman Imperial Opulence – Topkapi Palace Istanbul

Topkapi Palace, the imperial court and centre of Ottoman power for 375 years, is possibly the most famous of all Ottoman heritage in Istanbul. Approximately 30 sultans ruled the empire from there. The palace is a huge complex, meticulously designed to protect and impress. Sultans lived there in an utmost Ottoman imperial opulence, together with their families and concubines.

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Sane MindTurkey


Without any doubt, Topkapi Palace is probably the most famous of all Ottoman heritage in Istanbul. Fatih Sultan Mehmed commissioned its construction shortly after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. It was an imperial court and residence of Ottoman sultans and their families for 375 years. The harem within the palace is probably its most fascinating part. A mysterious place where many people lived ...
Ottoman Fountains – Istanbul
Sane MindTurkey

Ottoman Fountains – Istanbul

Ottoman fountains are a prominent feature of the Ottoman heritage in Istanbul. Monumental imperial mosques dominate areas in which they were constructed. But the fountains are equally historically and artistically important. In Islam, water is the origin of life, created by God. It purifies the human being, both on the outside and spiritually on the inside. Construction of fountains had an important ...
Ottoman Istanbul
Sane MindTurkey

Ottoman Istanbul

I mentioned in my previous post that one reason why I like Istanbul is because of its history. Certainly, initially known as Byzantium, then Constantinople and Istanbul, it was the centre of power and capital city of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires for almost 16 centuries. But Ottoman structures are the most visible today, although several buildings older than 1000 years are still there, such as ...
Why do I Like Istanbul?
Healthy LifeTurkey

Why do I Like Istanbul?

Why do I like Istanbul? I've been thinking about the answer to this question over the past several weeks. It was in December 2002 that I went to Istanbul for the first time. The last visit, before the current one, was in June 2015. In total, I was there 6 times in the past. My memories from the initial visit are very vague. But I remember that I was fascinated and wanted to go back. The subsequent visits ...


I am currently travelling across Turkey. My trip started in Istanbul. I've been to Istanbul six times before. However, this time I decided to spend a week there and explore the city in more detail. I've already seen the most important historic sites during my past visits. But Istanbul is so full of history that there is always something new to discover.

Step Back in Time
Sane Mind

Step Back in Time

In my previous article, Back in Riccione, I mentioned that the main reason for my recent travel to Italy was to attend my friend's 50th birthday party. A month earlier, my friend's brother asked me to send him some photos of places that my friend and I visited together. He wanted to make a photo album, a retrospective of my friend's life. It was a wonderful idea, to step back in time and revisit past ...
Where Next?
Sane Mind

Where Next?

April was a strange month. That was one of the reasons why I posted only one article at the end of April. It was also a month in which I asked myself: Where next? But, let me explain what happened. As I wrote in my previous post, the UK had to come out of the EU at the end of March. However, no exit deal had been agreed between the UK and the EU. So, the UK government asked for extension until the 12th ...
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