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Summer Palace

Summer Palace – Beijing
ChinaSane Mind

Summer Palace – Beijing

The Summer Palace was an imperial garden and summer retreat in the Qing dynasty. It is a vast complex of palaces, lakes and parks in the north-western part of the modern day Beijing. Two most recognisable features of this beautiful place are the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The palace covers 2.9km², of which three quarters is water. The Longevity Hill is approximately 60m high and it contains ...


I visited Beijing for the first time in 2009. By the time of my second visit in June 2016, I had vague memories of the Chinese capital city and was very excited to visit it again. Formerly known as Peking, it's the world's second most populous city proper, with the population of 21.7 million in 2017. Beijing is rich in history. It has been the political, cultural and educational centre of China for much ...
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