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Saint Nicholas church

Novi Sad

Novi Sad

I've never been to Novi Sad. In fact, I've never really travelled across Serbia. When I lived in Belgrade, before I moved to the UK, I was a student. I was more interested in travelling abroad or spending summers on the coast. So, I've never really seen anything in Serbia. But, things change. Now that I've been in Belgrade for over two months I decided to, at least, see places close to Belgrade. There ...
Serbian Orthodox Churches in Belgrade (part 2)
Sane MindSerbia

Serbian Orthodox Churches in Belgrade (part 2)

In this post about Serbian Orthodox churches in Belgrade, I will write about temples that are slightly detached from the most popular touristic areas. It means that it's not likely that you will see them while you are in Belgrade, unless you make a bit of an effort. But, that shouldn't discourage you. The areas of Belgrade where they are located are interesting to see. Also, these Serbian Orthodox ...
My Forever Travel

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