Browsing tag:

healthy diet

Is Healthy Nutrition Possible When We Travel?
Healthy Life

Is Healthy Nutrition Possible When We Travel?

In my post "Food for Healthy Life and Strong Immune System", I wrote about my dietary habits - what I eat and what I avoid, in order to keep in good health. I easily adhere to my diet when I'm at home and in control of food that I buy, prepare and cook. But, is healthy nutrition possible when we travel? Well, let's have a look at what I did during my past travels. Back then, I didn't really pay much ...
Eating for Healthy Life and Strong Immune System
Healthy Life

Eating for Healthy Life and Strong Immune System

I've recently written about the coronavirus infection that I suffered in March of this year. Then, I wrote about why I think that I have a strong immune system. I successfully fought off the infection and I think that my healthy nutrition significantly contributed in the fight against the deadly virus. However, in this post I would like to go into more detail regarding my dietary habits and why I think that ...
My Forever Travel

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